Ok I need everyone's opinion. Today was a GORGEOUS day! There was nothing more that I wanted to do than sit outside. The cats have been whining and crying to go outside for two days and Nico has well, be plain just whining and crying!!! So I get Nico set up outside on his play mat, get the cats situated, have all that I need... sunglasses, cell phone, house phone, pacifier, two crinkle toys a burp rag a bottle of water and the cat brush.. all is well, the cats are staying in the yard for once, Nico is quiet enjoying the breeze blowing through his hair and my pasty skin is getting some much needed sun. Next up... worst nightmare... the door to the home two doors down from me which is a rental and just had new tenants move in, busts open and this F'ING snarling, growling, barking PITBULL comes barreling out with his beading F'ING eye's fixated on my darling cat Robbie who is enjoying the day!! I instantly freeze and so do my cats.. This dog is going nuts!!! All I can do is envision the chain breaking and the dog making a bee line for one of my precious cargo. I grab Nico, and yell at the poor cats to get inside... Oh don't forget.. now I have to grab all the sh*t that I brought out and bring it back in. So there I am with my cats and kid safely inside gathering all of my belongings and the dog is now fixated on me barking and growling and snarling with that leash about to bust! ARE YOU SERIOUS?? Are you SERIOUS?? Is this what I am going to be dealing with all summer? Let me answer that right now for you so you know... NO F'ING WAY!! There is no way in god's green earth that I am going to deal with this. I know, I know... some of you are thinking that I am generalizing because it is a Pitbull. This dog did not just come out side and trot around the yard and mind its own business, it saw us and was threatened and hostile! NOW I AM HOSTILE!!! Does anyone know if there are city ordinances against pits?? I see many a call to the Hopkins PD in my summertime future!!
I can't help myself but be smiling here. I'm imaging us sitting in a tiny car in a steep incline when the car dies...Hehe! I can't tell if you're freaking out or just a mom. :) However, I'm sure you're right in your reaction and I've forwarded you the city code on dogs. :) I don't see anything on pit bulls BUT you could just call and complain about a nuisance dog a bunch!
Oh - I hope it’s a nice puppy like Mario thinks it is! I know that people can get tickets for barking dogs so just keep track of that in case things get out of control! Also, I would suggest you talk the owners and the dog gets to know you! Heck it could protect you someday. Or maybe it just freaked out over the cats!
I know it seems weird to generalize about pit bulls, but coming from a biological viewpoint, dogs have been bred to be certain ways (nasty, protective, loving, calm, etc.) and it seems as though pit bulls have certainly been bred to be vicious. So even if this one seems nice at any point, it still can't overcome entirely its evolution and its biological make up. I'd be afraid if I were you. :)
The age old pitbull question, "To fear, or not to fear." If you look at every case of pitbull violence, and I don't think I can stress EVERY enough here, it has come down to a matter of ownership. The dogs do have a bad rap because of their involvement in dog fights and such. Let me assure you that as long as they have the proper owners, you are in no harm what so ever. I have a friend who I have known for years with a pitbull, and he's just as sweet as can be. They do have aggresive tendencies, but are easily managed with the right training. So it's not so much the question of if you should trust the dog as it is a question of if you trust your neighbors.
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