Monday, May 5, 2008

Just A Small Overreaction, My Dear

I was enjoying the sunny drive at work today when I received a phone call from my wife. As stated in the post below, she tells me of the killer dog two houses down. My first reaction was a small bit of fear for my child and cats. I was already imagining the shouting matches between myself and the neighbors should said dog pose a threat to my family. Ok, I know you are all thinking 'This is Mario...when does he get into any confrontations??' Well, the instinct to protect is a very strong one. The rap sheet on Pit Bulls is a long and scary one, and I don't want to be in the 'A' section for anything like that. I don't like to generalize about one type of dog, but there is too much proof to not be a little bit apprehensive. So, tonight, as I am helping change a particularly messy diaper, the culprit comes out of the neighbor's house and circles his yard (on a chain). He's big. However, I am lead to believe that this guy is just a pup. He has a very young face. So, I decide to test the waters and go outside, since Traci said that he just snapped while she and the fam were in the yard. I walk out on the deck towards him. He just stares at me. I go down the steps and pretend I am reeling in the hose. More stares. I walk to the edge of our yard, the closest point to him. I talk to him. More blank looks. I walk back towards the house telling Traci that maybe he senses I like animals :) Then, a bark. More barks. I turn around and he is wagging his tail and barking. He wants a chat with me is all. He seems pretty friendly and minds his owners. I'm guessing he's like any other pup and wants to play and check out other animals, no matter how loud his bark may be. In conclusion, I think he is just a very curious puppy that wants to see what is in the neighborhood. He can see all he wants, as long as he's on his chain. He is still a Pit Bull and we don't want to be totally laid back about it.


Gramma D said...

Suprisingly, Grampa D leans toward Mario's reaction. These dogs don't attack naturally, they need to be trained to do so. While that may be true, they can sure scare the stuff out of you! I think the 3 of you need to meet these people,explain what happened, meet the dog, learn his name, etc. Also learn as much as you can about these people. Unfortunately, most City ordinances also apply to cats being leaashed. My final word on this is FENCE!

The Morelli Mafia said...

Thanks to all for your emails.. for first validating my small fear and then telling me that I need to relax!! LOVE IT and it makes me feel so much better.