Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nope, Not Yet!

No, unfortunately there is not much news to report on the baby front. On Sunday, Traci came down with the flu and she wasn't feeling the baby move. So, we went to the hospital around 8pm. She was dehydrated and the baby's heartbeat was elevated because Traci was sick. So, the nurse gave her an I.V. and TWO fluid bags later she was a little better. They also did an ultra sound to get three movements and two breath actions from the baby. After that, we were able to leave, though Traci didn't want to :) We got home around 11:30pm.

Dateline Monday morning: I wake up to get ready for work and Traci is feeling even worse. She was being stubborn and wouldn't let me call in to take her to Urgent Care to check on Bronchitis or possible pneumonia*. I went to work and asked bossman if I could get out after the first run because in this case I was NOT letting my wife tell me what to do! I went home around 11:30 to find Traci in the tub trying to slow down her contractions. Her midwife felt she was having them because she was sick. We timed her contractions for an hour to see if it was really time. They were sporadic, so we didn't get a good read on them. Let me say that it really sucks when your wife is in this horrible pain from time to time and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to help except let her squeeze your hand to where it is close to breaking! She called the careline and the doctor suggested we come in to the hospital to see what's up. Upon further review, she was dilated to a 3+. The nurse thought we should try walking around for an hour to see if that would help. I grabbed a fantastic B-Day meal for myself at Mickey D's (#2, no onions, and a Mister Pibb!) and we walked the hospital. Traci was checked one more time around 9:30pm. No change. So, we were on our way home once again! I had to drive very carefully so I didn't hit any bumps while Traci was having contractions. I found this to be nearly impossible driving the streets of Uptown. I may have to send a letter! I must say that this was the most interesting Birthday I've ever had!

We find ourselves this Tuesday morning in the same shape. Traci feels the same (like hell, and more crabby, and defeated), and the contractions are still coming, but still randomly. No tears yet, but close. In fact she's having one while I'm typing this sentence. She just said "F-You" to the contraction. Glad it's not me she's yelling at! :) So that is where we are today, a little closer to the big day, but still a ways to go.

We thank you for all the calls and e-mails. Traci has been getting them via her cell, but has not turned on the PC since Saturday night. Can you imagine her not checking her celebrity gossip sites and other people's blogs for THREE DAYS!!! We promise when something substantial happens we will let you know. This child is very stubborn, much like my wife. Does that mean I'm getting a little girl??? Stay tuned!

*Disclaimer: Spellcheck is out of service on this site. Type at your own risk!


Rupp1009 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIO!!!! Can't wait for the news!

The Jagow Family said...

Happy Birthday, Mario!! Thanks for the update! So good to see an update and that everything is going as well as they can be going! Always thinking about you guys....

Swarty Family said...

Thanks for the update. We cannot wait to hear if the baby is a boy or a girl! Happy Birthday, Moe Moe.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the news - we are all wishing you the best. I'm sooo excited!! PS - just let traci squeeze you, it's nothing compared to what she's feeling ;) XOXO Happy B-day Stallion!!

Our Family: said...

Yay. Thanks for the update. I think everyone is so excited! I went to sleep last night day dreaming about meeting baby Moe! Happy Birthday Mario.

Meyer Family said...

happy bday mario! thank you for the update. hope everything goes well.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIO! I am happy to hear baby Moe wasn't born on your b'day, that just isn't fair:) Thanks for the updates, the Zitzmann family really appreciates the news. I am surprised that Traci hasn't called those Dr's yet and told them she is coming in and not leaving until she has had the baby. We're thinking about you guys (and still fighting about a boy vs. girl)!!!!

The Swimnizzies said...

Traci, I hope you feel better soon! I can't believe you are sick and so sick at that.

Happy Birthday Mario! Sounds like you are taking great care of T.

Get well soon Traci and have that baby as soon as you're up to it. We are all dying to know the sex of Baby Moe!

Unknown said...


Meyer Family said...

Welcome to the world, baby Moe!