Here we are 2 days short of 37 weeks... Hard to believe that we are in the supposed birth month! My predictions are that I will not deliver until March... let's hope that I am wrong!!
Ps- anyone else having trouble with spell check on Blogger.. I can't imagine that is how you spell omelet...it doesn't look right!!!!
You are so adorable!!!
You are beautiful! Let's hope you go early like the other two... :)
You and baby look fabulous! Yes, I cannot spellcheck on BLOGGER-it is making me mad. It also makes my JHS education shine.
Love it!! I predict the 3rd week of February... Are you ready? ;)
You are so cute! I'm still going with Feb 17th, hope you aren't still preggo in March!
OH MAMA MORELLI!!!!! Are you ready?! You are getting so close! I am so excited, can you tell???!!!! I can't wait to meet that little Moe!! Wanna meet for lunch and grap a Whopper? with cheese of course! :)
You look wonderful! Soon we will all get to meet that baby! Can't wait! Thanks for posting a new pic!
Love the pic, so cute!! I'm totally one of those annoying people that just want to touch your belly all day long when I see you! (not that I do that to strangers. I just have the urge every time my sister is preggers and now with you) and yes,that is how you spell omelet. :) If you use firefox it will automatically spell check anything you type. You should try that.
You are adorable, my prediction is Feb 25th
Julie Magnan
I cant believe the baby is almost here! I think you will have the baby on the 29th, Leap year Baby!
Hope all is well, we will have to get together soon.
Amanda and Flip
Look at you!!! Can't wait to see the little one when HE gets here. Don't pack your bag early...you need to have something to calmly do while Mario is flipping his lid, running around the house like a crazy man cuz the baby is on HIS way! : ) I hope you get to use one of those cute boy outfits!
- Laura Sourdif
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