Warning- the following images may make you want to throw up in your mouth a little!

I have always been an impatient person, however normally I have been able to exude some sort of self control when I feel it coming on. Lately, however I can't hold back.. I am now boycotting Entertainment Tonight (add it to the list with Oprah and Dr. Phil), which is HUGE for me since I am a celebrity/gossip whoooore... but I swear to GAWD... if I see Donny or Marie Osmond one more time on that show I will BLOW. Also, who decided that the story on "Temptress, the morbidly obese teenager", who debuted on American Idol would be a good one to have on every single day for two weeks now? It is nauseating... So goodbye ET.. good bye Mary Hart, so long Kevin Frasier, adios Jann Carl, hope to see you soon Steve "Cojo" Cojocaru... I just can't stomach it anymore.
Too funny!!!!!
I agree 100%, we have had it with ET ourselves. Actually it started with us when they couldn't STOP talking about Anna Nicole! It was annoying, and now the Osmond's? Come on...are they that hard up for celebrity news? Ta ta ET!
Gag me with a spoon all ready!!! I'm just going to wait until I start seeing Ryan Seacrest as a regular on that show to cancel my cable all together. I know it won't be long. JACKA$$
I agree too....but not Dr. Phil, how could you not watch my fav Dr.!! Love him, yes I may have issues my self!
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