Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Watermelon and Lake Harriet!

Hey, another food we can add to the "Nico approved" list... WATERMELON! I would prefer to be adding things to the list high in nutrients... like cheese, meat, etc... but I will take what I can get!

What's up with the weird weather lately? It seems like it has rained for weeks... oh wait, that is because it has! Looks like the tides have turned and the last 4 days have been outstanding! We went to Lake Harriet, Shady Oak Beach and Joey and I walked Calhoun today. Better enjoy it while we can because the weather forecast says the 4th of July will be stormy. Boo!

Nico saw a few kids with large squirt guns and thought it was pretty cool!
Oooh an airplane!
Joey putting anything he can get his hands on, in his mouth... shovel, bucket, pile of sand, seaweed.

Joey standing so proud!


Mama E said...

Nico sure loves the water!! Joey just loves getting out!! Growing up so fast.

Jennifer said...

Joey looks like he's ready for yoga the way the bottom of his feet touch! It's so cute.