So it is summer, finally! I for one am not big on the heat.. I think it is quite unnecessary unless you are on vacation at the beach or very near a pool. 65-70 degrees and sunny is just right for me! Thankfully we have a lot of friends with "super cool" water toys to cool off and a groovy (free) splash pad in St. Louis Park! Let's do this summer thing...
Nico is doing SMO (summer morning's out).. same place he did PMO (parent's morning out) during the school year. SMO adds a whole hour (9:30-1:30) and has them bring their lunch along. This would be great with the exception of the fact that as you all know it is very hard for me to get Nico to eat a meal. What the heck do I pack a kid who drinks milk by the truck load and crackers? These care takers are going to think I am an idiot parent. So we got him an awesome new lunch bag and packed it with a peanut butter sandwich (didn't touch it), Chicken N' A Bisquit (ate probably 2), sliced apples (ate 1/2 of them), fruit chews (none left..shocker) and a juice box (note to self get a color other than RED if you want to ever have the child wear those clothes again). He loved it and I can say that I am SO happy that he doesn't cry anymore when I leave him... only took a whole school year, but hey the kid must love me :)

Ok, another awesome friend with a blow up contraption that has the kids entertained for hours! Thanks SUE and your adorable children Vinny, Clara and Lucy... so fun! (don't forget to check out the video of Nico flying down this slide at the end of the post)

The girls (minus Lucy who preferred the girl)..
I just love watching my boys sleep. I seriously go in their bedroom like 10 times before I go to bed just to stare at them. So precious.

1 comment:
Giggling through 100's of pictures! So fun!!
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