Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ooops, forgot... we vistited Angie again :)

Our favorite (and only) photographer Angie just took the boys pics last night. It was 90 some degrees out... yikes! Check out the boys "sneak peak" of shots... oh and check out the rest of her blog and website because if you are looking for a photographer, look no further. Angie is fabulous and SO good with the boys. In addition to that she is someone who you could just sit out and have a beer and shoot the breeze with. Love that (not that we have done it...but huh, we should think about that Angie)! Click on the link below...


Angela Elle Photography said...

Hmmmm, how can I work happy hour into a package? I'll have to work on that!! LOL Thanks so much!

Jennifer said...

Awesome pics!!! Seriously, so cute.