Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Plug for The Sanctuary!

Ok, I have an obsession.... massages! I just LOVE The Sanctuary in Eden Prairie! On Tuesday night my friend Tricia and I went and had massages. I had the pregnancy massage... Why does it seem like sometimes when you are working, an hour lasts forever but an hour long massage goes by so fast? Why can't I have as much money as Britney Spears... apparently she makes $750,000 a month and doesn't save a penny of it (smart gal). I wonder how much of that money is spent on Spa services? Probably not nearly as much as she spends on those horrible extensions. I know that if I made $750,000 a month I would have a live-in know, kinda like a live-in nanny. Awww, just the thought makes me all teary eyed! I wonder what the PowerBall is up to?


Davenport Family said...


Rupp1009 said...

What a great gift that would be for giving birth to your first child - a day at the spa!! (hint, hint);)

Davenport Family said...

I second the Rupp comment!!!!!