The only thing about fall that I dislike is raking and bagging leaves. Every year Mario and I rake and rake and rake...then we argue about how we are raking....then we bag and bag and bag....and then we argue about bagging. Then we get into a full blown fight and typically end it with tackling each other in one of the 25 large leaf piles we have created. So we raked and bagged leaves on Sunday before the lovely Vikings game...only 12 bags. Monday morning our entire yard was filled with leaves again... wind...UGH!
So yesterday I called Lawn Ketchers since I see their vehicles out all around our neighborhood to get an estimate of how much it would cost to have them come out and assist with round 2 since I am DONE. I gave him my address and the lot size and he quotes me $80-$100 if he has to bag and dispose of the leaves. I asked him how much longer his company would be doing this because I noticed that my large oak tree had not shed nearly half of its leaves yet. He told me that it would probably only be until the end of the week because he would be getting his plows ready for snow removal. I told him that I had to talk it over with my husband and that I would call him back. SOOOOO, here is the kicker... I get home today around 12:30 and magically my yard is free of all leaves... was I so lucky that the wind blew in my favor this time?? Uh, nope...would you believe that Mr. Lawn Ketcher took it upon himself to make my decision for me and remove my leaves without my consent and then proceeds to leave a message on my machine about payment..."a fair price"... WTF!?!?! What do I do? What would you do? I am irritated....
So yesterday I called Lawn Ketchers since I see their vehicles out all around our neighborhood to get an estimate of how much it would cost to have them come out and assist with round 2 since I am DONE. I gave him my address and the lot size and he quotes me $80-$100 if he has to bag and dispose of the leaves. I asked him how much longer his company would be doing this because I noticed that my large oak tree had not shed nearly half of its leaves yet. He told me that it would probably only be until the end of the week because he would be getting his plows ready for snow removal. I told him that I had to talk it over with my husband and that I would call him back. SOOOOO, here is the kicker... I get home today around 12:30 and magically my yard is free of all leaves... was I so lucky that the wind blew in my favor this time?? Uh, nope...would you believe that Mr. Lawn Ketcher took it upon himself to make my decision for me and remove my leaves without my consent and then proceeds to leave a message on my machine about payment..."a fair price"... WTF!?!?! What do I do? What would you do? I am irritated....
OMG- I would be so mad!!!!
Umm, call the BBB, yo or Don! He'll do a story on it and won't even fall asleep while he is telling it!
I would call them back and leave a message saying thanks so much for kind gesture to pick up your leaves as you are 6 months prego. That was so nice of them and then YELL at them and saying you will not be paying for the service!
I agree, thanks for the kind gesture, however I did not authorize your company to do it, nor did I have a verbal contract...etc.....therefore don't be sending me a bill!
If it's not too late, I'd ignore the bill (unless you get a 2nd notice). What if he returns the leaves (or someone else's) to your yard?? OMG ... now THAT would be bad!!
I would definitly call, leave a message stating you had made no agreement signed or verbally. You will not be paying for services not authorized and if you receive a second bill, you will be contacting the BBB and the Watchdog of the Pioneer Press, who by the way always get the answers and resolutions. Go get em' girl!
Mom G
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