noun (plural fam·i·lies)
1. group of relatives: a group of people who are closely related by birth, marriage, or adoption
2. people living together: a group of people living together and functioning as a single household, usually consisting of parents and their children
None of the above really defines it for us. To understand what defines our family (Mario and Traci)..see the pics below. I truly believe that we are extremely fortunate to have such a blended non traditional family consisting of marriage, friendly divorce, re-marriage, step daughters, step sons, step moms, step dads, in-laws, cousins, friends, friends dating our cousins, girlfriends, girlfriends children, boyfriends, nephews and grandchildren all coming together on the same day in the same house having SUCH a great time. For once, I can say I enjoy the holidays and that there is no where I would rather be than with these people in the following pictures!

The crew
There you are Dick!