Today we had our ultra sound for Baby #2! Everything is right on track with measurements- number of fingers and toes, chambers of the heart, etc. We are thrilled! Our due date is still 12/18 and we are tossing around the idea of being induced a week early. Since Nico's labor and delivery was without complications our midwife suggested that we induce early so that we can get the little one's birthday as far away from the holiday as possible. I really liked not knowing when I would go into labor. The thought of every little ting and cramp wondering "is this it?", "was that a contraction" is exciting to me. UGH, what to do!!?? I think that we will opt to be induced just for the sake of the little one not having to have birthday's compete with the holiday's.
Oh and ps- every time the ultra sound tech needed baby #2 to do something, like sit still or un-ball the fist, this baby complied. She said "Wow, sooo cooperative".. please oh PLEASE let this child be a relaxed, calm baby :)

"She" is beautiful!!
Looking gorgeous already, just like mommy, daddy and big bro! Cheers to a healthy, cooperative baby!
Since baby #2 is so cooperative I have to assume that it's a girl!!!!
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