Thursday, August 20, 2009

Table for 3!

Nico has graduated to the big time. He is now in a seat at the table versus in his highchair. This change is slow going as a lot of the times he does not want to sit in his seat but rather in your lap to eat. Hmmm... also meal time in general has become difficult. He is a SNACKER! Then when it is time to eat a meal he isn't hungry enough to care. He will take one bite and say "downsy".. means either he wants to get down from the table or he is done. Looks like Dad and Ma are going to have to get tough and take away snacks. They are such a good bribe though...

The SLP aquatic center has become a fun relief from the 3 days of warm weather we have had this summer.. haha! Nico is definitely a water baby. He has also become quite the dare devil (gets that from mom).. Jumps off of the side of the pool, the arm of the couch, his rocker chair, the bed, etc... NO FEAR~

Nico is pretending to be a cat. Not only does he like to pretend to feed them by fake pouring the crunchies into their dish, he actually likes to get his face down in the food on all fours and make eating noises while pretending to eat it. Can I use the word "pretending" anymore in this paragraph?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!