This kid is soaking up things like a sponge- we have been working on flash cards introducing a new one every week. So far he says- dog, car, shoes, turtle, hi, bye, fish, dada, Belba (our cat Bella), makes the sounds of a monkey, dog, firetruck, cat and can also use the word NO in the right context. If we are at the park and I say "ok, let's go home".. he will look right at me and say "NO".. or if he knows that he shouldn't be doing something, like going into the cabinet with the cleaning supplies, he will look at you and say "NO" and then open the door. It is so hard to not laugh! He also understands what you say to him now so if I say "Go get your shoes so we can go on our walk" he will run and get his sandals and bring them to you. "Put your head down", he will lay his head down on the pillow. If you say "It is time for a nap" he will grunt at you because he doesn't want to take one. He knows to go to the fridge if you say "Do you want some milk" or if you ask if he is hungry or wants breakfast/lunch/dinner, he will go over to his highchair. It is quite a fun age!
In other news, we are pregnant again, due in December! I think Nico is in for a rude awakening. He seems to get quite jealous when I hold other babies in front of him. This should be interesting :)
Just like his mom, always bending the rules going up the down slide!

Nico is at such a fun age. They never seem to miss a beat or the chance to make you laugh when they are being naughty. He is so cute. Congrats again to you guys!
I love the other news, we are pregnant again! I'm happy the cat is entirely out of the bag now---many congratulations!
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