Nico received this awesome wagon from two of Mario's Auntie's for his 1st birthday. It has cup holders, storage in the seats and a door that swings open. The Mac Daddy of wagon's!!

Doesn't Dad look thrilled to be pulling him!

He likes to get in and out himself. NO HELP!

Yep, at the lake again!

Whoa...the sand is hard to walk in!

Slowly learning how to use a spoon and feed himself. When I say
SLOOOW, I mean very slow :)

The little turkey knows exactly where the cereal cabinet is and will take the bag out of the box and drag it to you!

Lately this has been his "thing".. he wants to push the stroller and sometimes only pushing it by the big handle (thus making us pick him up so he can reach) will appease him. Looks a little strange on our walks.

The ladies at the tennis court were nice enough to give him a ball when he busted in through the gate as they were practicing.
i have that same wagon - got for my birthday last year :) LOVE IT! good call auntie!
He is sooooo cute, especially in the striped shirt! He is turning into quite the independant little man!
Does the wagon have speakers in it, too?! Nice! I love your stroller too. Sporty! We have the boring ones.
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