It amazes us every day the new things that Nico does and says. Nico's personality is certainly apparent- independent, daring, funny, particular (yes, still) and BUSY! He definitely knows how to push our buttons and tests us on a regular basis. So far we find it humorous... ask us again in 6 months :) We had his pictures taken on Tuesday and of course without fail Monday night he slipped and put his tooth through his bottom lip. I panicked a little bit at first, not at the injury but the thought of getting his picture taken with a busted up lip. After thinking about it we decided to continue with the pictures since really, it will provide accurate documentation of his day to day look- bumps, bruises, cuts, etc... he is ALL BOY! As soon as we get the pics we will post them. This is a really fun age. Mario is constantly stating "It is going too fast. I don't want him to get any bigger than this" but then I remember when he said that when Nico was 6 months old. It seems like every stage and age is new, different and awesome to experience.

The pictures with him in the orange shirt make him look so full of mischief. And we know that to be true, don't we? :) What a wonderful little grandson we have!!
Nico is so cute!!! And we concur, it gets better and better each month AND it goes way too fast!
He is getting so so cute, Tae!
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