This weekend was our friend Julie Borchardt's bachelorette party! It was a rainy, rainy evening, but of COURSE we made the best of it and still had a great time. The party happened down in Le Sueuer (did I spell that right?) and the surrounding cities... it was raining so hard that some of the roads were flooded out, haulting us from getting to some of the brides favorite hang outs! Luckily we had a great driver named Ron (Ronnie as I called him)...he managed to get us safely around town. Julie looked great and had a fabulous time....who wouldn't with all the shots we fed her :) Oh yes...and I am drinking....O'Douls!!

Julie looking all cute in her bachelorette get up... also wearing a rain coat which was essential!!

Amanda (Manny as most know her), Di, Myself and Graber....we were actually so wet and cold that we each drank a cup of coffee at this bar. Also, the power went out twice! Again...can't stop us from having a good time!

What would a bachelorette party be without karaoke??? We sang The Divinyls "I Touch Myself"
Check back after 9-1-07 to see if my bridesmaid dress ended up still fitting at 15 weeks prego :)
1 comment:
You were on first name basis with the bus driver.... where was I? I guess that's what happens when you are drinking O’Doul’s:)
Don’t forget the memorable Karaoke, what a riot!! I had never heard the song 'My ding-a-ling'.....I thought it was a joke when everyone started singing….. what a learning experience! It was a great night girls. Congrats Julie!
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