Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Big Brother Anyone....

Ok, so this is the first time I have ever watched Big Brother and I LOVE it! Don't tell him that I told you, but Mario watches it with me too.... he will deny it if you ask him and tell you that he is forced, but I know he is into it :)

Why is Evil Dick....well, such a Dick? I myself am so sick of him and his antics. Eric was right, Daniele will be screwed if she keeps allowing him to spout off like that.

Danielle- I know most of who watches is probably a fan of Danielle's...but I must agree with Jen on the fact that she did cheat on her boyfriend with Nick. Not cool! Eat a cheesburger!
Jameka- Ok honey, I know you are really into the religion thing...but last night was taking it a little too far. I was embarrased for you.
Eric- Got screwed by the banner...
Zach- Duh!
Jen- Starting to like her a little bit more each week.
Amber- Freak... Whoa, wait...did she cry last night?? If not this should be history making stuff.
Dick- Go away..
Jessica- Takes guts to call out Dick and Danielle to everyone... good girl!

Anyone else agree??


Anonymous said...

hehe - this is my first season watching it too & I am hooked. Unfortunately mama duty keeps me from watching every episode, but I try! ~Lisa ;)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, another Big Brother groupie...I love it!! :) Jim HATES it and gives me a hard time everytime I watch it! The best part about the show is that it is on 3 times a week...and thank goodness for DVR, I never has to miss an episode. Here in my intake on people...
Danielle - did she really cheat? She is a good will be interesting to see far she goes. But she does need to get rid of her dad.
Jen - did NOT like her in the beginning..but she has seriously began to grow on me!!
Evil Dick - when he is being mean to someone I can almost feel how uncomfortable everyone is!
Jameka - I agree with Traci, I was embarrased for her too.
Kail - started as a strong contender, but she has to go.
Eric - he personally annoys me - something about him is weird
Amber - she cries WAY to much...ugh!!
Zach - who's that?
Jessica - annoyed me in the beginning too and still sometime does - but she has a few things up her sleeve - she will be fun to watch.

Don't forget to watch tonight!! - Michelle