Monday, August 2, 2010

This and That

Nico got his own personal tour of the Hopkins Fire Station by our neighbor Steve!
I wasn't there, but from what I hear he was in hog heaven!

Poor Joey...always a spectator in the stroller!

A Day Out With Thomas The Train! So fun!

Alll Aboooooard!

Thomas and Percy tattoos

Nico on stage with Bob the Beachcomber. Mind you, he wasn't asked on stage... just made his way up the stairs like he owned the place :)

Nico is saying "Dang it Joey, I am trying to watch Yo Gabba Gabba"

When you fall and put your tooth through your lip you get TWO popsicles!
Big boy Joey at the table!

Mr. Spectator again :)
Finally he gets out of the stroller and has his own park photo shoot!


Mama E said...

They sure do keep busy each week with all of the "field trips". Fun! Happy, happy boys! Love seeing Nico get up on stage with no fear. What a silly boy!! Joey won't be far behind. Watch out ...

The Jagow Family said...

Beautiful pictures, Traci!! I know I say it all the time....but they are both just SOOOO cute!! And very happy! Love it! :)