The home remodel/addition is not finished. Let's just leave it at that.
Mr. Nico turned the big TWO on 2/27! This kid constantly cracks us up... it is amazing how much he learns and retains and REPEATS. He is as smart as a whip, tests you, negotiates with you, manipulates you ... I love it. I know I have said it before, but I will say it again... this is now my favorite age/stage. Nico is still obsessed with Thomas the Train. It is so cute watching him put them on the tracks and studying the motion of the wheels. He knows every single one of them by name and sleeps with ALL of them every night, along with his Thomas blanket and Thomas pillow. His 2 year stats are 7% for weight and 66& for height. A tall, lanky child? Ha! Let's just talk about the 7% for weight for a moment. Nico won't eat... well won't eat anything but fruit, oatmeal, eggs, hotdogs, chicken nuggets, veggies and hamburger helper. Yep, hamburger helper. I mean he will snack all day long on crackers, pretzels, chips, fruit chews, etc.. if you let him. Please, please tell me this will pass!
Joey is now 3 months. I just washed all of Nico's old 3-6 month clothes for him and put away the 0-3 month stuff...SNIFF! Really? 3 months already? I have to say from what we went through with Nico as a baby we were crossing our fingers to have a calm and happy #2...boy did we hit the jackpot! Joey is the smiliest, chill child. Calm, relaxed, sleeps through anything. Really the only time he cries is if he has a wet diaper or if he is hungry. Sometimes I look at him and wonder if he is ok! :) We are just not used to a quiet baby. I will say this though... he does not sleep through the night yet. Joey doesn't miss a meal... every 3 hours like clock work. Sometimes he will go 5 or 6 if he is in a very deep sleep, but more than not we are up twice throughout the night. Honestly we can't complain. I would take that over colic any day of the week!
Recently both boys were ill! Nico had a double ear infection and a cold. The cold and cough lasted a few weeks for him but he was able to kick it finally. Unfortuntaely Joey caught this virus from Nico. Joey had trouble fighting it himself so we ended up bringing him to the ER (on Mario's b-day) and discovered he had RSV. This ended up being a 3 night stint at Children's Hospital with him being hooked up to and IV and oxygen. Apparently this year was the worst in 5 years of RSV cases with Joey being 1 of over 200 babies checked into Children's at the time of his stay. I have to say that we were surprisingly calm throughout the entire ordeal... the reason is because of Joey :) Joey constantly had a smile on his face, even after major coughing spells that would cause him to gag and vomit. We knew he would be fine! On a big bummer of a note, we ended up having to cancel Nico's 2nd birthday party... 10lbs of Mostaccioli and a Thomas the Train cupcake cake... would have been so much fun :(
These pics start from early Jan and go through today 3/12. Check out how much Joey has changed. Crazy!

1 comment:
Such precious little boys!!
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