Clearly these two woke up a bit too early this particular morning. They look comfy watching Elmo though. I am sure that Mario will be pleased at me posting a pic of him in pajama pants and a sleeveless shirt. HOT!!

This kid LOVES his ice cream treats!

Hmmm, someone is being naughty!! Nico got the "daredevil" gene from me. This child is not afraid of much (with the exception of strangers). He climbs on ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING.
Grandma Gina caught him on the counter at her house.. he had climbed the bar stool to get onto the counter because he knows which cabinet houses the M&M's. Here he has climbed onto one of his toys to open dresser drawers.

Breakfast time at the
Morelli's consists of Nico sitting on your lap and eating. For some reason his seat does not suffice.
1 comment:
Damn he's cute.
And so is Nico. :)
PS - It's about time you updated your blog!!
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