Nico popped a tooth! So far so good, but we have a feeling that this might be the calm before the storm. We have been told that colic has nothing on teething, so we are bracing ourselves!

He is getting so big so fast... he is pulling himself up on stuff already. Slow down kid!

Still LOVES the bath!

Marcus wants to know if he can join the
Morelli Mafia!?! This is his best "tough guy" face.. I tried to teach him to say- I will break your knee caps...

I watched Marcus a week ago and boy oh boy is it a ton more difficult to entertain 2 kids than I thought. Here they are playing tug of war. Nico enjoys being around other kids. He is constantly trying to grab them and watches their every move so intently!
His face on that first one is just so freaking cute!
Can I eat him? Oh he is so dang cute!
Yeah his first tooth! Oh he is growing up to fast but he is so sweet!
Well said.
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