WOW... the little man is 9 months old. Well, almost... we had his 9 month check up today since his pediatrician is out of town next week. His stats are- Weight 20lbs, 1 oz- 51%, Height 28.3 inches- 63% and head circumference (why?) is 18 inches- 69%. With the exception of a chest cold that he has been hanging onto for a week now, he is doing GREAT. Nico currently has two teeth on the bottom and is oh so close to cutting two on top. He is not crawling just yet but is very curious about how to get moving. If he can't reach something he gets a bit frustrated and tries to scoot a little bit. Eventually he gives up and rolls to get what he wants. Little man loves his food, especially the sweet breakfasts... he always wants to take a bite of anything that we are eating. That chili dog last night was a bit of a shocker for him....still waiting to see the results from that :) Nico ran into a new potential girlfriend at his appointment this morning
Mikayla Ungerman-Levy... he was very enamored with her. I told him that he has WAY too many girlfriends- Lily, Addison, Mallory and Nora to name a few...but he said she was too cute to not add her to the list.

Can anyone tell me when we can graduate Nico to a front facing car seat? I forgot to ask the doc today...