So my good friend Amanda "Manny"
Condon and her sister Deanna (who flew in from Orlando) decided to train for and run in the Twin Cities Marathon yesterday! I don't think that the weather could have been worse (unless you were running in the Chicago marathon) for runners, being so humid. This picture was taken at mile marker 19 and look how happy they seem! This was my first time being a spectator and let me tell you the energy was unbelievable. I know that I am pregnant and all but immediately watching these people made me tear up! Mario was laughing at me of course, but to see people running with T-shirts that say "My first race" or "RIP so and so" or "I love my family" was so neat! I even saw two people that I didn't know were even racing... one being a guy that was in our friend Julie and Dan's wedding and Ryan
Stilwell a friend from High School. guys are amazing! Manny I am so proud of you!!

1 comment:
I too was at the TC marathon on Sunday in the cheering section for Meredith's Sister Erin (ENO) who was a participant. I know how you feel watching such an amazing act of accomplishment in progress. I was at the finish watching all of these people running by me enveloped in agony, joy, pride, and honor. All of them giving there bodies the effort to expel everything they had to complete a goal set thousands of years prior. I could not help but being attached emotionally to these masses as they trotted by and I with great respect can say that my eye's sprung into what you had called a welling as well.
I was captivated by a woman standing near by who was commanding encouragement to the strangers who felt the need to write their names on themselves. One man who was my size, build and appeared to be a bit older than I had taken this opportunity and the woman yelled to him and Said "looking good Lonny". If you were there you would have seen that this was not the case for him. The shirtless man not knowing this woman or even where she was in the crowd gave us all he could for an acknowledgment by raising his arm in thank you. If that isn't an act of true humanity, love, kindness and conjure emotion in yourself than I don't what ever would?
Agent Meyer
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