Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We have a walker!!!

Things are changing around the Morelli household! Nico started walking about a week before his first birthday and has certainly fine tuned his skill since then. Nico is a walkin' fool. It is so funny to watch him stumble around like a drunken sailor. He is so independent but yet sometimes still so very clingy. There are times when he will bat your hand away when you are trying to help him get around and then times where he is suctioned onto your leg like cling wrap. This usually happens of course when I am trying to make dinner, which makes it oh so challenging. Little man is very good with a sippy cup so we have gotten rid of the bottle with the exception of right before bed (I think that is more for us..haha). In the mornings he likes to sit at the breakfast bar with Mario and have his snack. We are so happy the weather is getting nicer and look forward to spending more time outside. Our shoe box of a house is definitely suffocating come February/March :)

The slide was very skinny.. Mario got stuck. Good thing I didn't try and go down as I probably wouldn't have gotten very far :)
After a long day of visiting Bethany, Daniel and their new addition June, playing at the park and going on a walk, all that fresh air took a toll and he was out like a light. He didn't even wake up when I undressed him and put him in his jammies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the new pictures! The last one looks like he is making a snack..... how cute!!!
