Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bath Fun!

Tossing Nico into the bath used to be a calming thing for Nico when he was also gave us a much needed break. A few moments of peace while he sat in his infant tub and learned how to hold toys and splash his feet. Well the relaxation for US is over! It is now quite the challenge with him being so mobile (or at least he thinks he is mobile).. He has a nice bruise above his eyebrow from slipping and knocking his head on the side of the tub. The little squirt will not sit still... hops from his bum to his knees and then grabs the side and starts to try and stand...

This is him screaming because he saw Robbie (kitty) in the hallway..

One of these toys is not like the other... Yep, a first for Nico- taking a deuce in the bath tub! Take a look at the floater below next to the green turtle. Mario freaked..."What are you going to do".. I laughed because of the insinuation of what I was going to have to do...I said we will take him out, drain tub, disinfect tub, fill it back up and finish his bath!


The Kaufhold's Kastle said...

Love it! On Friday night I was taking a bath with Morrison and he did the samething but at 12 weeks its not solid! Man we love our kids!

Bundlewarmer said...

Nice, Nico. He's going to love seeing that pic when he gets older!