Wednesday, April 9, 2008

ARE WE CRAZY????????

Ok, the title is so named for two reasons...
#1- We think and have been told by our pediatrician that Nico is colic or has colic or whatever the terminology is. It has been a trying and stressful last 4 weeks or so trying to figure out how the heck we can help him. Nico will go into screaming fits for hours... we can tell he is extremely uncomfortable in his belly and we cannot for the lives of us comfort him. We have tried almost everything... expensive as hell formula, Mylicon drops, carrying him different ways, burping him different ways, walking around the house with him in our arms for hours, car rides, walks in 45 degree weather and prescription Zantac. So far nothing has helped! After many tears and a few arguments (Mario and I) we have come to terms with it (almost) and are accepting the fact that he will grow out of this about 6-8 weeks from now. Ok, now for the crazy part... only Mario and I have seen this side of him. If ever we go out with him or he has visitors, he is completely quiet and rarely fusses or cries. People think we are insane and full of crap! The day that I took him to the pediatrician because I seriously thought something was wrong with him I sat in her office bawling, telling her how he never stops crying during the day, etc. We look over at him and he is smiling...NO JOKE. So, needless to say I am sure that there is a note in his file about how crazy his mother is and that she is the one that needs medication.
#2- Being that I have called all 3 of my "Moms" tearful and upset at various times, Grandma Corky called to say that she and Grandpa D wanted to take Nico over night last Sunday night. Mario had taken Monday off and they wanted us to go out to dinner and get a good nights sleep. Could I do it? Could I leave my 5 week old over night THAT soon? Not only that, but how could I subject anyone else to the screaming fits?!?! Grandma Corky basically told me that I didn't have a choice, SO Mario and I dropped him off Sunday night with a slew of instructions..... PLEASE, PLEASE call me if the crying is too much to handle I say as Mario is dragging me out of the house. We went to Wildfire for dinner...had Martinis and steaks and slept like babies. for the crazy part... We called in the morning to ask what time we could pick him up and they told us 10am on TUESDAY morning! WHAT??? They wanted him another night... so we went for our "visitation" in the afternoon and left him again. WOW! Tuesday morning we felt refreshed and revived. THANKS GRANDMA AND GRANDPA D!!!!
Mario and I sucking down our Stormy Night Martinis
Bella enjoying her "Nico Free" time
Wow, she is really soaking this up!
Robbie- Chillin'


Meyer Family said...

I'm so sorry that you're dealing with colic or whatever it may be. It's definitely not easy, Maddie was our colicky baby. I promise it will go away...3 mos is the mark. Hang in there!

Rupp1009 said...

Would that happen to be a Stormy Night martini? Yummy! Glad to hear you guys got some rest! Hopefully things will get better soon!

Anonymous said...

I guess I must be special, because I've gotten to see that side of Nico. I'm glad you two got to go out and recoup a bit. Remember, if you ever need a hand watching him, I'd be happy to help.


The Morelli Mafia said...

Oh yes.. Mike Blokzyl has seen Nico in action... how easily I forget. I warned Mario that morning but he didn't listen :)

Melissa said...

Oh Traci, sorry you're not getting any sleep. I'm glad you got 2 refresher days, how nice of them - 2 whole days! That's a bonus at 5 weeks, it was surely needed!
Hang in there, you can cry on my shoulder!!

Anonymous said...

That's quite all right. I didn't mind. After sixteen years of my mother babysitting up to six kids at a time, I don't even hear baby's screaming anymore. You husband on the other hand...


Holly said...

I'm sorry about the colic. Jake has it too, whatever 'it' is that makes them do this. At about 8 weeks he turned into a completely different baby. Very happy and didn't cry NEAR as much. It is NOT permanent I swear! You will eventually get comfotable amounts of sleep and you won't be stressed out dealing with all the crying I promise! Just hang in there. Call me if you need to get away!

Gena said...

Traci... I just stopped by to check out pictures of Nico and saw your comments about colic. All I can say is YUCK! I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Caleb was colicky for the first 3 and a half months of his life. Like you, we tried EVERYTHING. Cutting out dairy from my diet, switching to formula (soy), Zantac, Prevacid, chiropractor, the list goes on. And like you, anyone else who saw Caleb was like, "what are you talking about!! He's not fussy..."Anyway, Caleb is 8 months and way over that now. It seems like forever ago. Even though there were times I wanted to walk out the door and not come back, it eventually just got better..So, I know you will get through it and eventually you'll see a new side to Nico. In the meantime, good luck. And keep taking all the help you can get.