Master carver Mario created 3 pumpkins this year. One was a haunted house, one said "trick or treat" and a "McQueen Car" for Nico. It took him approximately 7 hours (on and off) ... the kids interest lasted all of 5 minutes :)

Poor Joey is teething like crazy and has this horrible cough and runny nose he cannot get rid of.


Nico had better things to do than to participate in pumpkin carving...

Later that evening... The might pirate Joey got dressed..

Poor kiddo looks miserable :( He hung in there though...

We decided to dress Nico in the same costume as he "wore" last year. I use the term "wore" loosely because last year he screamed the entire 5 minutes we had the costume on him. This year however he really enjoyed it... of course his favorite part was the candy.