Sunday, June 21, 2009

We're Back!

Computer is fixed and I have about 10 minutes until Nico wakes up from his nap!! Man are 1 year old children BUSY!

The Burley Boy
Outside in the rain

At the beach!

Literally running to the water...

First ice cream cone..

Attack of the killer stuffed animals
I knew there had to be a reason it was so quiet...
New big boy chair

Monday, June 15, 2009


Our computer was on the FRITZ... and because we feared that our motherboard was the issue resulting in the need for a whole new computer, we procrastinated in taking it in to see what the problem was. Well because I prefer a desk top to the lap top I finally cracked and pleaded for Mario to fix it. Come to find out we just needed a new video card...thank GOODNESS! So a new blog update will be posted soon...I promise. Stay tuned!