Things have certainly gotten interesting for the
Morelli crew these days... Nico is a big ole goon crawling everywhere and getting into everything. We know fully well this is only the beginning. It is fun watching him explore and figure things out. It seems like just yesterday when all he wanted was to be held constantly. Now the minute you pick him up he is squirming to get down. The hardwood floors are proving to be a bit challenging. No matter how closely you watch him there is not a day that goes by that he doesn't fall and bump his head on this or that. Oh well, he is a tough guy for sure...have to be to be a part of the Mafia!
Dad at one point had his DVD's alphabetized.

Like the dusty plate Nico is touching... ah yes, where is the time to clean?

He actually doesn't bother much with the tree!

Holding Ma and Dad's favorite holiday movie! Notice the bruise on his face??? Yep, fell into the floor face first.