Did any of you watch the reality show "Paradise Hotel" back in 2003? I was totally and completely obsessed with it...I even conned my friends into watching it so that I would have people to talk to about it the next day! It was definitely my guilty pleasure...plus Charla was from MN so how could I not root for her (she won by the way)..
"Paradise Hotel 2 will feature a mix of 11 male and female singles living, playing and hooking-up with one another in a secluded resort for the chance to win a cash prize. As in the shows first season, the singles will have to find a partner of the opposite sex to share a room with, and the contestant left without a roommate at the end of each pairing ceremony will have to leave the hotel."
Mario and I had a finale party at our house in Oct of '03.. check out the pick. Yes, that is Mario flashing a gang sign (thus the Morelli Mafia was born) and he had hair and I had a much rounder face, not unlike I do at this moment being 8 months prego :)
So this is my plea to you to watch this program.... just so I have people to talk to about it!!!!